Christian here, and I still loved it
Yep, I'm a Christian and I still loved it. Funny as hell.
Christian here, and I still loved it
Yep, I'm a Christian and I still loved it. Funny as hell.
Although I am going to join the Army, that was FREAKIN HILARIOUS! The soldier's voice was funny, and the whole flash was funny. Good job :D
Another crazy gropo! Be safe!
2 things
1) Those guys were soldiers has everyone has already found out.
2) Most people who oppose the war say "They didn't have WMDs, and they weren't a threat to the world". Well, they were killing the opressed Iraqis by MISUSING the weapons we gave them so that they can defend themselves.
Also, if the USA was in a holocaust state like how Iraq was (don't you dare tell me they weren't, different races were being killed because they had different backgrounds), or any other country you lived in, wouldn't you want outside help from a powerful country?
And one more thing that I'm just DYING to point out:
We gave Iraq the weapons for defense, Saddam misused them and attacked his people, the USA is taking FULL RESPOSIBILITY by going in and removing the problem.
Sucked, but something to say to others
First to hate-serbs: this movie was made by a white person dumbass, so where the hell did we get black people out of the bag?
To Skarien and other black people who think they are superior to whites: Have you cared for a farm under slavery? No, then stop thinking your superior to others.
I am BLACK btw, so don't go calling me a racist.
Lol, good one
I'm black and I still think this is funny. :D
All you did was put "All Your base are belong to us" on random pictures that don't have anything to do with all your base or saddam. Wasn't funny.
And sound get's a ten because I like the All your base song
Sorry for your loss
It's too bad that you're brother died, but like someone said before me: I'm rating the movie not the author's sadness. Find some other way to remember him than on the newgrounds portal.
Good one
This is a good submission. It shows what America will come to probably next year/late in Bush's presidency.
As for all the noob 12 year olds who dissed this, they probably saw Hitler and shitted their pants. They obviously don't understand a good point, and will just have to wait and see when this country starts corrupting around late 2006/early 2007.
<Witty comment> </Witty comment>
Age 32, Male
High School
Massachusetts, USA
Joined on 4/11/05